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Phil will always be my rock but "rock" in a way that you might not imagine . Yes he is there for me, loves me and keeps me grounded... but he also shows me interesting bits and pieces of pop culture every day. My meaning of "rock" is more of the musical/knowledge sense and that is one of the great things about him. Phil is a melodic and electronic encyclopedia. All day long... no matter what he is doing, Phil is listening to music and searching for something new. He fills the house with electric guitar solos, rough vocals, funny videos of ghosts in stalls and I love him for it. He is always bursting with excitement to share all that is great and he should know since he has good taste. He introduces me to new things every day and it really makes us a unique couple.

By marrying Phil I know that my life will not only be exciting but it will be full of surprises, new loves and great experiences. These are all things that every girl wishes have a best friend and be with him for the rest of her life. Sounds like heaven to me. :-D


With much thought and contemplation, I've come to the contented conclusion that I am truly lucky. Of course anyone in a relationship can say they have something special. I see many of these “relationships” and frequently think of how lightly threaded that love is in comparison to ours. I observe and listen to the slight compromises and high expectations that are set in these relationships only to end up silently feeling sympathetic for them. They don’t fully understand nor have the percipience of what a cultured and flourishing relationship entails along with the prosperity that having one gives to us. Even in only a few short years, you have greatly influenced my life and provided me with so much more happiness and memories that shall never be forgotten – even the ones we want to J. I’ve been able… no, privileged with being able to share my every day, my thoughts, my opinions, my moments, and my love with someone as special as you.

Not only do I want to say “Happy Anniversary” and “I love you” but I also want to say “Thank You.” Thank you for being there for me and at most times, being there with me. Thank you for being patient enough to hear my words – even at times when they are harsh or short. Thank you for being thoughtful and caring toward myself and my surroundings. In general… just thank you for being the great person you are. You are a wonderful person, faults and all. I accept those faults as you accept mine and am grateful that I am able to spend my future years by your side.