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It was a Monday in July when I came home and sat on the bed next to Dev. He looks at me and says " would you like to take a walk with me on Thursday? I giggled wondering why not today but replied with " I'd love to talk a walk with you on Thursday". Devin went on to say it would be nice to go up to Ashmere lake and walk around together. Ashmere being a special place for us as we have spent every summer up there kayaking, fishing and swimming for years. That Thursday came and Devin picked me up from the apartment we drive up to the lake and get out of the van. As we walk to the beginning of the pathway he stops and says " shoot i forgot my phone in the van, all Be right back". He runs to the van and then comes back. We begin our walk. Devin puts his arm around me and I notice he starts to take multiple deep breaths. Wondering why he looks so nervous I just hug his tight with my arm as we walked. We made it to the bridge and stood looking out at the still water as the sun was setting. Scenery was breathtaking. Devin and I  we're planning on moving across country to AZ at the end of this month so to make conversation I said. "Can't believe were moving so soon". Devin takes a big breath in and says " well, what do you think this move would be like if... he turns and gets on one knee, pulls his hand out of his pocket and opens a box. He continues to say" if we were engaged?" He tried to continue with what I imagine was a beautiful speech he prepared but I didn't get to hear any of it. Tears just fell from his eyes and that said so much more than his words could have. I was so shocked and filled with so much excitement. I put my hands over my face jumping for joy. He finally asked  "will  you marry me"? I asked himrepeatedly " is this really happening"? I waited for this moment for 6 long years! I couldn't believe it was finally happening. He put the ring on my finger and I yelled, Yes! I hugged him and was overwhelmed with love and happiness. I knew for years Devin was the one for me and now in this moment together we share the decision to spend our lives together. I continue to feel  more loved and more in love everyday. 8 years together and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Can't wait for the wedding! 8-19-17❤️